FM Approved
Certyfikat zgodności
This certificate is issued for the following:
Approval of a
Range of Steel Bolted Storage Tanks
in EQ Zone >500-yrs
Prepared for
SD Tank Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Osiedle Młodych 25A
84-312 Cewice
FM Approvals Class: 4020
Approval Identification: PR459841 Approval Granted: 12/8/2021
To verify the availability of the Approved product, please refer to
Said Approval is subject to satisfactory field performance, continuing Surveillance Audits, and strict conformity to the construcions as show in the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals.
Phillip J. Smith
VP — Manager of Materials
FM Approval
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Norwood, MA 02062